When our Minds Change

What do we do when our minds change?
I am only human. I have the right to change my mind or commit an error. I am not infallible. And yet, I try to make the best out of my mistakes or changes I am compelled to take. I try not to make the same mistakes again or not to change my mind too often.
Some may say that I have a tendency of a whimsical infant, while some may say that I am restless. I admit, I am all that. I am whimsical to the extent that I often feel the need to rebel from boredom and monotony by taking risk like changing my profession too often. I also feel very restless most of the time because I always feel that I can do better than what I have been doing so far. These two friction drives me constantly to unknown territories and experiences I would never have gone if I had not taken the risk or changed my mind.
The point is that even when things don't work out and my mind changes, I always leave with a smile knowing that I have achieved few things, whether big or small. I feel that I have gained some new experiences and new friends wherever I may have been. The future is not really important because I have lived most of my life for every moment, merely following my whims, my dreams and my wisdom. I don't consider myself a winner in many sense, but I do consider myself a winner in following my dream. The consequences are irrelevant and inconsequential because I don't believe in living like others do. I live the way I chose to. Thank God!