Anand Elangbam

A real nutty character who is an epicurean to the hilt... someone who thinks life is how we perceive and conceive it, not what we've been offered, a lover of nature, wildlife and an environmentalist to the core... An amateur artist, photographer, writer and A total Music Buff...

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Revival of Inspirational Poems

  After a long time of recess, I am posting these two poems I have written  a while back and hope that I will get inspired to write more in future...

An Ode to Shiroy Lily
Shiroy Lily! The inspiration of many a poets and writers,
Easy to imagine but hidden from the prying eyes of the mere mortals,
Far away across a barrier of mountains at Shirui hills,
Like a heavenly damsel that cannot be conquered by the ordinary,
Hidden away like God's relics amongst the cotton clouds,
She welcomes only the intrepid admirers to cherish its beauty.
One must climb a thousand stairways to heaven,
Walk miles across wild grass and green forest of yonder years,
Carrying a dream, like sword to slay the dragons of failure,
Only the determined are honoured to pay homage to her abode.
And when I finally stood proud as a stallion at the summit,
Humbled and in awe of the challenge I faced with silent determination,
As with weary limbs and slithering sweat,
I realizied that it was worth all the pain and the struggle,
For the final glimpse of a vision, which was once a dream.
Andy E.

April Inspiration!

As the rain stop falling through the April leaves,
Robins perching on the bamboo swing and sing,
Frolicking, and Awake; from a night of slumber,
While pairs of wild doves in an ecstatic shiver of companionship,
Dance to the rhythm of the rustling morning breeze.

And as I gaze through the crystal glass,
That, which separates my world from theirs,
I feel a curious sense of peace and wonder,
Like droplets that trickles down the wet leaves,
An April Inspiration, perhaps!

Of good things that comes to life,
Like in so many ways prevail,
Even after a dreary night of lights and sounds,
In an epic drama of life that is as bewitching as real,
There’s yet a Hope, as tranquil as this April morning.

Andy E.


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