Being Single
What is the big deal about getting married or not?
Having watched "Sex and the city" and thanks to the gigantic resources of media and communication available today, I am quite baffled about why there is still a stigma attached to the choice of staying "Single" in many societies. While there are more important and pending issues like global warming, population explosion and possibilities of ETs in outer space, Single man and woman are still reminded again and again to get married or it will be too late... Rather sounding like an ominous doomsday prediction than a good advice, Single man and Single woman continues to suffer the agony of embarassment, public humiliation and butt of jokes amongst the married lots!
Perhaps it is human ego that compels a society to accept established principles meant to ensure continuity of our breed through procreation, using religion, society and tradition as a compelling force. However, Any couple can procreate if it is only for extension of our ego or to create generations. We seem to forget that our planet is already on the verge of breakdown from being overused and abused, thanks to the infinite greed and indifference of mankind. It is not quantity that is in shortage here, rather, it is quality of life that is missing here!
Have you ever thought that "Being Single" can mean so much good for the mankind?
These dying species may have something in common. While some of us are looking for a quality life, searching for true love or something to fulfil them, Some of us may be just content or discontent with our lives. Sounds human? Yes, they are human after all and like it or not, Single man and Single woman will continue to co-exist with fellow earthlings by virtue of their own choice or circumstances. We must not forget that they are doing a great favour to the overcrowded earth. If we chose to remain single and free, bereft of any ego extension or procreation, it is a good deed done to preserve the sanctity of marriage without love or trust. Something that promiscuous hollywood celebs or any hypocrites should do than make a travesty of a holy alliance like marriage!
ninest123 16.02
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